What is Reiki? (Continued)
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive and yet powerful form of hands on healing. It works by channeling universal energy through the practitioner's hands and into the subtle energy systems of the recipient.
The energy of Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to move toward health and seek balance in life. It can create space in a busy mind, release in a tense body, or peace in a troubled heart. Integrating Reiki healing with therapy sessions is a powerful addition to the growth and healing process.
Reiki creates an immediate shift in one's state, but it also sets into motion subtle shifts that continue to surface over time. Although the experience of Reiki in each session is unique, called in by the recipient according to what is needed in the moment, sessions tend to get noticeably stronger and deeper as treatment is continued.
What does Reiki healing feel like?
At the practitioner’s hand placements, you may feel a very slight tingling, heat, energy or nothing at all. The sensation or lack of sensation is not a measure of the Reiki. It's just the way energy is sensed by an individual. You may feel peaceful and calm, deeply relaxed or have the sensation of energy flowing in different parts of your body.
And after Reiki?
Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body. If you can, spend some quiet time after your session. Journaling or reflection may offer personal insights or further clarity.
Can I drive after my session?
Yes, but after the deep relaxation of your session you may need to take a few minutes to become alert again. Consciously grounding your energy is important, and if you have time, take a walk outside and lean into the relaxation.